Monday, April 8, 2013

Reflection 3

This reflection is going to look at several areas that I think were important thoughts about the blog.

It is amazing how much we have grown. I look at that first weeks post and how short they were. This again is like a Christian walk with God. When we all start out on this Christian journey the beginning is very young and green. Not a lot of biblical truth comes out of the mouth of a brand new Christian, just enthusiasm. But as you grow in Christ and read his book, and pray for enlightenment, and wisdom. The wisdom that God entrusts you with is proportional to the amount you will use. Now to the blog, the first weeks post was little more than a post-it note about a bible verse, and then you can watch the maturity grow with each and every post. For me, my post grew in maturity because I started praying differently before each post and truly started to seek God’s face with each post. I couldn't have written many of those blog post without the Holy Spirit and Christian friends, like Janet.

Recurring Themes
We both touched on some crazy subjects. And we became more transparent as the blog went on. We really put our souls out there for others to read, and showed a lot of courage being exposed sometimes. I think as I look back at the ones I wrote I focused on the Love of Christ and showing His love. There is lots of my blog post that says the same idea of showing his light. When I look at Janet’s blog entries, her recurring themes seemed to focus on letting go and turning to God, faith and trust. Just like the bracelet I am wearing with Proverbs 3:5-6 on it. Now that doesn't mean that we didn't write about the others themes. I know I wrote several about leaning on God and Janet wrote several about God’s amazing love and our responsibility to share that love.

Favorite Post
I like so many and it is very hard to pick one favorite. Janet is a gifted writer and it warms my heart to see her write for God. So I am going to pick 3 favorites (in no particular order). “My Balm of Gilead” is an amazing blog post that shows what we are to do with loss, and what the purpose of loss is. “Scars” a very personal and heart felt blog post that I know she was worried about posting but is such an amazing journey that paths twist down to success and serves as a great reminder. This next one is a two part blog post, “Can you hear me now?” is a wonderful entry that explains the importance of listening and the difference between hearing and listening and “Are you listening?” This blog entry focuses on how God communicates with us through His Word, Prayer, Circumstances, and Others.

Favorite Song
Oh I had lots of favorite songs that is harder than picking my favorite blog post, but if I had to narrow it down it would be the song “Use Me Lord”, sung by Jotta A. This small Brazilian boy has such a spectacular voice and even having to follow along with the subtitles didn't take away from the powerful message of the song. It mesmerizes me each time I hear it. If I had to pick a second song, it would be Casting Crowns' 'Who am I' because 1, it's a great song, but also 2, it was signed by Janet after she lost her hearing. 

What I walk away with
God can use anyone, even me, enjoy the song below.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Music Reflection

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” I would have to agree with him. My love for music is vast. And I have spent a lot of time and money on music. I truly believe that Music is a gift from God.

One of the true blessings that this Blog has done is open my eyes to wonderful new Christian music. I have heard some of the classics, like “The Old Rugged Cross” or new ones like, songs by Third Day and Casting Crowns. But during this journey I was exposed to some amazing Christian Music, like the song we discovered that was sung in Portuguese from this Brazilian kid, or a great version of “Victory in Jesus”

So about halfway into the blog, I made a YouTube playlist of all the songs that we posted in our blog and each week I would add a new song. Well the list is long but for those who want the playlist, Link to Dwight's Christian Music Playlist.  Click and you can press (shuffle) and enjoy hours of music.

Also I found a wonderful article “Who Invented Music?” that explains music from a Biblical aspect, and I was blown away by it. It starts out like this,

“Have you ever heard that song that just causes you to weep? How about the one that makes you want to fly?

In our busy lives of constantly checking our favorite sites and blogging endlessly about things that probably aren’t too beneficial (I’m guilty of this too), I find that sitting down, taking a deep breath, and letting the Holy Spirit meet me through music is one of the most therapeutic times in my day.

Why? Because we were made in the image of God, and He loves music too…”

and gets better as it goes. The link to that article Who Invented Music? 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Reflection 2

When Dwight approached me with the idea of doing a blog each day from Christmas to Easter I was excited and agreed immediately and we both embraced it. I had no idea then what I was getting into and how much it would affect my life. It became our baby and we watched it blossom and grow into a life of its own. I know it changed my life and I am hoping it did Dwight and all of the people who read it as well.

I will admit that it was a challenge at times. When we were both busy with life, finding time to sit down and write something was a struggle and we fell behind a few times but it was important to us both to account for everyday, even if we were behind. We made a commitment to this blog, to each other, to our readers and most of all to God and so we made sure no days were left uncovered. If we had to post two a day to catch up then we did.

I thought a few times that we bit off more than we could chew and that how are we going to make it and continue to think of things to write about, but time and again the inspiration came to me. Sometimes it was through a verse, a sermon, a saying, a song, an experience or even dreams and seemingly random thoughts that came to mind. Regardless of how the inspirations came to me I really feel they were given to me by God to lead me to say what He wanted to say, despite that fact that sometimes the topics were a bit touchy and hard to post.

Both of us bared our hearts and souls on the blog, challenged by each other and convicted by God to post what was on our hearts, regardless of how tough it may be. I am proud of myself for some of the things I posted and I am equally proud of Dwight for what he shared and I hope our transparency reached other people for God’s glory.

I was also amazed at the number of followers and readers who visited the blog and felt humbled and honored that God was using us to reach so many people. This blog was such a blessing in my life and one I will cherish and remember forever. It became such an integral part of my day, either writing the blog or reading Dwight’s and I embraced each time as a chance to grow closer to God. I will miss our Christmas to Easter blog but I think it is ending at a good time, before it becomes a burden and something we dread. It is a bit of relief but also leaves a hole in my day, a bittersweet goodbye.

I know that we are both going to be continuing to blog our own blogs, but it will be more like once or twice a week rather than daily. Thank you Dwight for letting me be a part of such an awesome blog. Thank you readers for following and making this experience a wonderful one. Thank you God for using me to reach others and spread Your word. Thank You!

I would like to dedicate this song to Dwight for his support and encouragement in the blog and in my life, You are a great friend and I am so grateful I got the chance to work with you on this project for God. As the song states, "Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed." I was changed by your obedience, devotion and submission to God as well as your prayers and friendship to me and I know that others have been touched by you too. I also hope and pray that I was also used in other's lives the way you were used in mine. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reflection 1

Late November I came up with an idea to dive into God’s word and really pray and seek God’s face in every passage I encountered. I decided to write my thoughts down and thought if people wanted to follow they could so I created the Christmas to Easter Blog. The idea was to each day write down the bible verse that I had prayed and meditated about. I knew it was going to be hard so I asked Janet (a friend from the Navy) to help me. Thinking that teamwork is promoted in the Bible as it says in Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" and we worked well together. We would bounce ideas off each other and synergy was good all with the teachings we have already received and things we looked up. The next step was each of us making a promise to God that I would do everything I could to be faithful to write about a scripture once a day and neither of us could have done it without each other.

As I look back at this blog, this took on a life of itself. It really did appear to me as “a life” on earth to me. I know it sounds strange but just like life the blog was challenging. It was born on Christmas and transitioned to the Afterlife on Easter. It took strength and dedication to complete it well.

Also the encouragement was nice to. Just like in life a little encouragement goes a long way. People liking it on Facebook, people leaving comments, there were no negative comments and that is encouraging. So those who followed, and encouraged Thank you.

So we are going to do a few reflections and then start our own Blogs. Mine is going to be called D’s Corner. At and Janet’s Blog is called Jay’s Jabberings at  I would hope you follow us on those. 
