Change is inevitable. Some people
thrive on it, living for adventure and getting bored when things stay the same
for too long. That is great for some people, but that is not me. I am more the
opposite type. The kind that gets overwhelmed and anxious or frazzled on even
the tiniest of changes.
Yesterday I had to go to the
dentist, which I must say is quite relaxing now that I can’t hear the sounds of
the machines drilling in my mouth. But as I was waiting to go back, there was a
little girl that was crying as she waited herself and I could tell she was
scared. I started talking to her and found out that she was having a tooth
pulled because her baby tooth wasn't coming out but the adult tooth was already
starting to come in. She was afraid because it was not something she was used
to and she knew there would be pain involved. She knew it was needed but she didn't want him to take her tooth and wanted the big tooth to go back down for
a while.

So when that change happens, we have
a choice – we can have a mouth overcrowded and uncomfortable that holds onto
the old only to the detriment of the new or we can endure the
temporary pain of having the old “removed” so that we can have everything in
place and working according to the plans of God.
Clinging to the old just doesn't work for the new that God wants to do. I don’t know about you, but I know I have some “teeth” that need to be pulled. Things I have been clinging to that seem good but that are actually impeding my growth. I think it is about time I asked Him to help me extract my “teeth” from my life, however painful giving them up may be. I need to trust that He is there to help guide my new “teeth” in place so that my smile and life will be in line with His plan and the smile and life He wants for me not the one I am so comfortable with.
Lord, I want to grow and change so
that I am all You have designed me to be. I pray that You will reassure me and
remind me when I need it that while it is okay to be nervous, that You are
always there by my side to guide me through whatever changes I encounter. Help
me to walk in faith knowing that these changes I am so reluctant to do will
help me grow in my relationship with You.
I want my life to be pleasing to Your eyes and to reflect Your love and light
to others and to do that I must fully trust and let go. Thank You for your
understanding, Your love and Your leadership. Give me the courage to endure the
pain and discomfort that can happen as you transform me into what You desire
and for a submissive heart to accept it and embrace it. I ask this in Your
precious name, Amen.
(A found this song and I think it is awesome! It is an original song by Michele McGovern, to buy the full song, it is available at I would encourage you to get it, it is well worth it. The words to just this part are below.)
(A found this song and I think it is awesome! It is an original song by Michele McGovern, to buy the full song, it is available at I would encourage you to get it, it is well worth it. The words to just this part are below.)