Monday, April 8, 2013

Reflection 3

This reflection is going to look at several areas that I think were important thoughts about the blog.

It is amazing how much we have grown. I look at that first weeks post and how short they were. This again is like a Christian walk with God. When we all start out on this Christian journey the beginning is very young and green. Not a lot of biblical truth comes out of the mouth of a brand new Christian, just enthusiasm. But as you grow in Christ and read his book, and pray for enlightenment, and wisdom. The wisdom that God entrusts you with is proportional to the amount you will use. Now to the blog, the first weeks post was little more than a post-it note about a bible verse, and then you can watch the maturity grow with each and every post. For me, my post grew in maturity because I started praying differently before each post and truly started to seek God’s face with each post. I couldn't have written many of those blog post without the Holy Spirit and Christian friends, like Janet.

Recurring Themes
We both touched on some crazy subjects. And we became more transparent as the blog went on. We really put our souls out there for others to read, and showed a lot of courage being exposed sometimes. I think as I look back at the ones I wrote I focused on the Love of Christ and showing His love. There is lots of my blog post that says the same idea of showing his light. When I look at Janet’s blog entries, her recurring themes seemed to focus on letting go and turning to God, faith and trust. Just like the bracelet I am wearing with Proverbs 3:5-6 on it. Now that doesn't mean that we didn't write about the others themes. I know I wrote several about leaning on God and Janet wrote several about God’s amazing love and our responsibility to share that love.

Favorite Post
I like so many and it is very hard to pick one favorite. Janet is a gifted writer and it warms my heart to see her write for God. So I am going to pick 3 favorites (in no particular order). “My Balm of Gilead” is an amazing blog post that shows what we are to do with loss, and what the purpose of loss is. “Scars” a very personal and heart felt blog post that I know she was worried about posting but is such an amazing journey that paths twist down to success and serves as a great reminder. This next one is a two part blog post, “Can you hear me now?” is a wonderful entry that explains the importance of listening and the difference between hearing and listening and “Are you listening?” This blog entry focuses on how God communicates with us through His Word, Prayer, Circumstances, and Others.

Favorite Song
Oh I had lots of favorite songs that is harder than picking my favorite blog post, but if I had to narrow it down it would be the song “Use Me Lord”, sung by Jotta A. This small Brazilian boy has such a spectacular voice and even having to follow along with the subtitles didn't take away from the powerful message of the song. It mesmerizes me each time I hear it. If I had to pick a second song, it would be Casting Crowns' 'Who am I' because 1, it's a great song, but also 2, it was signed by Janet after she lost her hearing. 

What I walk away with
God can use anyone, even me, enjoy the song below.

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