Monday, April 8, 2013

Reflection 3

This reflection is going to look at several areas that I think were important thoughts about the blog.

It is amazing how much we have grown. I look at that first weeks post and how short they were. This again is like a Christian walk with God. When we all start out on this Christian journey the beginning is very young and green. Not a lot of biblical truth comes out of the mouth of a brand new Christian, just enthusiasm. But as you grow in Christ and read his book, and pray for enlightenment, and wisdom. The wisdom that God entrusts you with is proportional to the amount you will use. Now to the blog, the first weeks post was little more than a post-it note about a bible verse, and then you can watch the maturity grow with each and every post. For me, my post grew in maturity because I started praying differently before each post and truly started to seek God’s face with each post. I couldn't have written many of those blog post without the Holy Spirit and Christian friends, like Janet.

Recurring Themes
We both touched on some crazy subjects. And we became more transparent as the blog went on. We really put our souls out there for others to read, and showed a lot of courage being exposed sometimes. I think as I look back at the ones I wrote I focused on the Love of Christ and showing His love. There is lots of my blog post that says the same idea of showing his light. When I look at Janet’s blog entries, her recurring themes seemed to focus on letting go and turning to God, faith and trust. Just like the bracelet I am wearing with Proverbs 3:5-6 on it. Now that doesn't mean that we didn't write about the others themes. I know I wrote several about leaning on God and Janet wrote several about God’s amazing love and our responsibility to share that love.

Favorite Post
I like so many and it is very hard to pick one favorite. Janet is a gifted writer and it warms my heart to see her write for God. So I am going to pick 3 favorites (in no particular order). “My Balm of Gilead” is an amazing blog post that shows what we are to do with loss, and what the purpose of loss is. “Scars” a very personal and heart felt blog post that I know she was worried about posting but is such an amazing journey that paths twist down to success and serves as a great reminder. This next one is a two part blog post, “Can you hear me now?” is a wonderful entry that explains the importance of listening and the difference between hearing and listening and “Are you listening?” This blog entry focuses on how God communicates with us through His Word, Prayer, Circumstances, and Others.

Favorite Song
Oh I had lots of favorite songs that is harder than picking my favorite blog post, but if I had to narrow it down it would be the song “Use Me Lord”, sung by Jotta A. This small Brazilian boy has such a spectacular voice and even having to follow along with the subtitles didn't take away from the powerful message of the song. It mesmerizes me each time I hear it. If I had to pick a second song, it would be Casting Crowns' 'Who am I' because 1, it's a great song, but also 2, it was signed by Janet after she lost her hearing. 

What I walk away with
God can use anyone, even me, enjoy the song below.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Music Reflection

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” I would have to agree with him. My love for music is vast. And I have spent a lot of time and money on music. I truly believe that Music is a gift from God.

One of the true blessings that this Blog has done is open my eyes to wonderful new Christian music. I have heard some of the classics, like “The Old Rugged Cross” or new ones like, songs by Third Day and Casting Crowns. But during this journey I was exposed to some amazing Christian Music, like the song we discovered that was sung in Portuguese from this Brazilian kid, or a great version of “Victory in Jesus”

So about halfway into the blog, I made a YouTube playlist of all the songs that we posted in our blog and each week I would add a new song. Well the list is long but for those who want the playlist, Link to Dwight's Christian Music Playlist.  Click and you can press (shuffle) and enjoy hours of music.

Also I found a wonderful article “Who Invented Music?” that explains music from a Biblical aspect, and I was blown away by it. It starts out like this,

“Have you ever heard that song that just causes you to weep? How about the one that makes you want to fly?

In our busy lives of constantly checking our favorite sites and blogging endlessly about things that probably aren’t too beneficial (I’m guilty of this too), I find that sitting down, taking a deep breath, and letting the Holy Spirit meet me through music is one of the most therapeutic times in my day.

Why? Because we were made in the image of God, and He loves music too…”

and gets better as it goes. The link to that article Who Invented Music? 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Reflection 2

When Dwight approached me with the idea of doing a blog each day from Christmas to Easter I was excited and agreed immediately and we both embraced it. I had no idea then what I was getting into and how much it would affect my life. It became our baby and we watched it blossom and grow into a life of its own. I know it changed my life and I am hoping it did Dwight and all of the people who read it as well.

I will admit that it was a challenge at times. When we were both busy with life, finding time to sit down and write something was a struggle and we fell behind a few times but it was important to us both to account for everyday, even if we were behind. We made a commitment to this blog, to each other, to our readers and most of all to God and so we made sure no days were left uncovered. If we had to post two a day to catch up then we did.

I thought a few times that we bit off more than we could chew and that how are we going to make it and continue to think of things to write about, but time and again the inspiration came to me. Sometimes it was through a verse, a sermon, a saying, a song, an experience or even dreams and seemingly random thoughts that came to mind. Regardless of how the inspirations came to me I really feel they were given to me by God to lead me to say what He wanted to say, despite that fact that sometimes the topics were a bit touchy and hard to post.

Both of us bared our hearts and souls on the blog, challenged by each other and convicted by God to post what was on our hearts, regardless of how tough it may be. I am proud of myself for some of the things I posted and I am equally proud of Dwight for what he shared and I hope our transparency reached other people for God’s glory.

I was also amazed at the number of followers and readers who visited the blog and felt humbled and honored that God was using us to reach so many people. This blog was such a blessing in my life and one I will cherish and remember forever. It became such an integral part of my day, either writing the blog or reading Dwight’s and I embraced each time as a chance to grow closer to God. I will miss our Christmas to Easter blog but I think it is ending at a good time, before it becomes a burden and something we dread. It is a bit of relief but also leaves a hole in my day, a bittersweet goodbye.

I know that we are both going to be continuing to blog our own blogs, but it will be more like once or twice a week rather than daily. Thank you Dwight for letting me be a part of such an awesome blog. Thank you readers for following and making this experience a wonderful one. Thank you God for using me to reach others and spread Your word. Thank You!

I would like to dedicate this song to Dwight for his support and encouragement in the blog and in my life, You are a great friend and I am so grateful I got the chance to work with you on this project for God. As the song states, "Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed." I was changed by your obedience, devotion and submission to God as well as your prayers and friendship to me and I know that others have been touched by you too. I also hope and pray that I was also used in other's lives the way you were used in mine. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reflection 1

Late November I came up with an idea to dive into God’s word and really pray and seek God’s face in every passage I encountered. I decided to write my thoughts down and thought if people wanted to follow they could so I created the Christmas to Easter Blog. The idea was to each day write down the bible verse that I had prayed and meditated about. I knew it was going to be hard so I asked Janet (a friend from the Navy) to help me. Thinking that teamwork is promoted in the Bible as it says in Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" and we worked well together. We would bounce ideas off each other and synergy was good all with the teachings we have already received and things we looked up. The next step was each of us making a promise to God that I would do everything I could to be faithful to write about a scripture once a day and neither of us could have done it without each other.

As I look back at this blog, this took on a life of itself. It really did appear to me as “a life” on earth to me. I know it sounds strange but just like life the blog was challenging. It was born on Christmas and transitioned to the Afterlife on Easter. It took strength and dedication to complete it well.

Also the encouragement was nice to. Just like in life a little encouragement goes a long way. People liking it on Facebook, people leaving comments, there were no negative comments and that is encouraging. So those who followed, and encouraged Thank you.

So we are going to do a few reflections and then start our own Blogs. Mine is going to be called D’s Corner. At and Janet’s Blog is called Jay’s Jabberings at  I would hope you follow us on those. 


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”  John 11:25

Today is Easter and the celebration of our Savior’s resurrection. Through this miracle and total act of selfless love for us, Jesus conquered death and made it possible for us to truly live and be forgiven so that we may have eternal life in Heaven. He opened the door for us to find redemption.   

For some, Easter Sunday means hunting for eggs, baskets of goodies, Cadbury chocolate, peeps, food and family. Now there is nothing wrong with including all of this in our Easter celebration, but let us remember the real meaning also. The Christmas phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season” rings true in this holiday as well.

The cross of Christ has become the symbol of our faith and it represents Jesus’ love for us in the painful death sacrifice He made when He died for our sins upon it, but it doesn't end there.  It is the resurrection that gives meaning to the cross. Had He stayed in His tomb, everyone would be responsible for his or her own sin and without it we would have no hope for this life or the life to come. It says in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Jesus conquered the grave, which means that His children can too. Those of us who believe in Him and come to Jesus are released from our death penalty and invited to spend eternity with God.

But is not enough to just believe Jesus was a man who lived and died on the cross and rose from the dead 3 days later. There are facts that prove that to be true. It is not just that what Jesus did that makes it possible to have eternal life, it is believing in who Jesus is, the son of God. Not only did He die, He took our place and died for all of our sins. Not only did he just raise from the dead, but He conquered death so that we don’t’ have to die but may live with Him in Heaven. Jesus doesn't say, “I bring resurrection and life” but rather “I am the resurrection and the life.”

It is very personal with Jesus. The answer to death is not a resurrection; it’s Jesus himself. No one can ever hope to escape death unless they are related to Jesus through personal faith. So in the end truth must always become personal. You have to believe not just the facts that happened but that Jesus Himself is the reason and the way, the only way. (John14:6

I can tell you that once you do, there is hope, joy and peace that can be found always. He will guide you through this life and raise you up to Heaven to be with Him in the next. How awesome is that!

Lord, Hallelujah You are risen. Thank You Jesus for Your redeeming love and most precious gift. Thank You for not only dying and taking the penalty of my sin, but also allowing me to be released from the condemnation of death that would follow if You had not overcome. You are my resurrection and my life. In You I trust, In You I worship, In You I live. Thank You Jesus! Amen. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Winning the Lotto

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, -Ephesians 1:7-8

I am still thinking of the amazing gift of life we all have been given this morning. Good Friday is still on my mind.

I have had people ask me do we have to follow Jesus to get into heaven, to which I answer, “Nope, you just have to find someone who has had a perfect life, which has never sinned, not even once. Then somehow if you find that person, you have to convince them that they need to die for your sins.” Do you understand that this doesn’t happen, that mathematically it is impossible. It makes winning the lotto an easy day. So if someone had the winning lotto ticket…. And it was FREE, would you turn it down.

I think adults have a problem with the word free, adults have been jaded into thinking there is always a catch. If you tell a 8 year old, here you go you can have this video game. The kid would snatch it up and run off saying hey dad and mom that nice man gave me this video game. The parents would look very puzzled and question the kid for taking it, and may make the kid return the video game. So free is tough to wrap our head around. Many adults know the saying, “Nothing in life is free.” And again they think there is a catch. Well with Christianity there is a catch, but it is so small. It’s better than paying a penny for a guaranteed winning Powerball ticket. Here is the catch, admit you’re a sinner (Romans 3:23) and repent, accept Jesus into your life, believe he paid for your sins by dying on a cross, and that He rose again. How easy is that? Do it today, do it now, don’t wait. If you’re like me, things I put off normally don’t get done and then if you die it’s over, no second chances. If you have questions on how to accept Jesus into your life, go to a Christian Church and ask them or email me (click here)

Lord, thank You for choosing us to have a relationship with You. Thank You for the amazing gift of eternal life. Thank You for this weekend where we can reflect on what Your son did for us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Listen to this 2 min video on the truth.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Irony of Good Friday

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

For many years I struggled with the thought of why this day was called Good Friday. I couldn't really wrap my brain around what was so good about it. I felt awful every time I would see a Cross re-enactment on television. And it pained me to see even a picture of the dropped head of Jesus dripping with blood from the crown of thorns. It was so real in my mind, and it was so hard to watch. Today I struggle when I see it on YouTube a music video depicting the act of driving the nails in. I know it happened but it’s so graphic and realistic. And of course then Mel Gibson's movie, Passion, really sent it home.  It would pain me each time I had to witness what Jesus had to go through as I kept asking myself: Why were we calling the death of Jesus “good”?

Then last year it became clear to me when I saw the cartoon below. 
(click to see it larger)

I think of the thief next to Jesus who said less than a handful of sentences that anyone bothered to write down, and those few statements got him into heaven. Really? The thief got into heaven? He doesn't deserve it…… then as I ponder that sentence, neither do I.

The Irony of Good Friday is that it is amazing that someone would pay for my death sentence. I had never thought of the idea that it is called “Good Friday” because Jesus took the world’s sin on his shoulders. He took MY sin, everything I have done wrong, and will ever do wrong. And it wasn't like he did this without choice. He chose to do that for me. Jesus walked forward and took my death. Like the cartoon shows, is that I deserve to be hung on that cross instead of Him. He decided FOR ME to be nailed instead of me.

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13 That is the true example of perfect love.

Lord, today is a glorious day, it is the day we remember you choosing to take the penalty of death for me. I am entirely grateful for the gift of eternal life with God. I will try daily to shine your light in my deeds and thoughts. In Jesus name, Amen.

Note: Did you know that crucifixion was such a lowly death that it written into law that no Roman citizen, no matter what he did would be sentence to death that way. But yet our King (the King of Kings) was sentenced that way.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies.” Psalm 103:2-4

Scars. Most of us have them. Physical ones. Emotional ones. Some minor. Some painfully deep. They all serve as reminders of our past wounds and can hold the ability to stir up powerful emotions; pride, courage, bitterness, anger, regret, sadness, etc…

I have many external scars, from the chicken pox one on my forehead to the surgery scar on the top of my left wrist and so many more from scrapes and falls. I also have many internal scars from things like my childhood, my time in Afghanistan, betrayals, painful memories and so on.

Then some scars are intertwined with both internal and external. Today I am going to share with you one of my deepest and darkest scars that happens to fit that category. This is hard for me to share and I fear that those who know me will look at me differently now in a bad way and those of you who do not know me will judge me. I never planned on sharing this, but God kept pushing it at me and tugging at my heart telling me it needs to happen. I honestly tried to rationalize every excuse not to go through with this post but in the end by not doing it would be defiantly disobeying God. So please don’t judge me by what I am going to share.

I have had some rough brakes in life and after a few big ones happened I was left feeling cursed. I felt alone, and it wasn't that God wasn't there for me, but I was pushing Him away. I was mad at Him, I felt like there was so much pain in my body I would just explode. I had heard about cutting as a way to relieve the pain inside and in a desperate act of self pity I picked up a razor blade and sliced at my wrists. It was not an act for attention, it was not an act of suicide, and for me it wasn't an act of wanting to feel pain, it was a mental trick of letting the pain out. They were not serious cuts nor deep, but just enough for the visual image to help my mind. Or at least I thought it would help my mind.

After doing it once, it became a bit of a habit. Not all the time, but whenever I felt overwhelmed with the enormous amounts of pain and fear I had inside me because even though I was a Christian, I was not going to God. For a few reasons, firstly I was being stubborn, but also I was mad at Him sometimes and I felt I deserved to feel the pain and was blaming myself for all the bad things that were happening to me even knowing they were not my fault.

So in these moments of intense fear, pain and anxiety I would turn to this self destructive act instead of my loving Heavenly Father. I did it several times and each time I would feel ashamed after. I would feel so guilty and hate myself even more and then feel like I deserved the pain more so then.

I would hide my wrists with braces and long sleeves until they healed and I put cream on them to lessen the marks. But I still have them, they are not as pronounced but they are there. When I look at my wrists I am reminded of the time when I turned my back on my faith and God. A time full of destructive behavior that left me deeply wounded and filled with remorse. It is painful yet good that I remember them this way so that I never repeat it of course.

But God has shown me how my scars can actually be a blessing as well. Instead of looking at them and allowing myself to drown in feelings of shame, I can look at my scars and remember how far God has brought me. That is what this post is about, not the act of doing it, but where I am now.

After one incident I confessed to a friend for help and they encouraged me to write the reasons why I do it and the reasons why I shouldn't  As I started writing, I decided to write a letter to myself instead. I printed several copies and I signed them and I keep them in different places so I can always pull it out and read it if I am struggling and turn to God for help.

I have attached the letter in these pictures, if you click them it will be big enough to read. If you read it, it will not only help this post make more sense, but it also might help you in some way, maybe not with the same struggle but something else you might do or you would be able to help someone else with a struggle. So please read it, because that letter was the key to me finally turning back to God instead of the blade. He worked through my friend to bring me back.

Now, I still struggle with the urge to cut during extremely stressful times and I think I always will. When an alcoholic stops drinking or a smoker stops smoking, or any other kind of habit /addiction, they are still tempted and the same goes for me. Except now I lean on God and I have not cut in over a year, that includes losing my hearing and going through radiation alone and separated from my family. I have had several opportunities to go down that path again and there were times I had the urge but with the help of God I have overcome that part of my life.

Do you have scars? How do those scars impact your life? If you have never let them stir you to thankfulness, maybe ask God to help you look at them in a new light. Allow Him to show you how they can actually be a blessing, how they can be reminders of His mercy, His love, His healing, His deliverance.

With Good Friday tomorrow, the day we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us let us also remember that we were not the first to bear scars, that Christ bears His own scars for all to see. The holes in His hands represent the horrendous pain and suffering that WE put Him though by our sins. Those scars can easily be looked upon as reminders of how sinful and evil, yes evil, we really are and how much we deserve eternal condemnation. On the other hand, just as my scars can be a blessing, the scars on Christ’s hands are a true blessing. They not only represent our sinfulness, but they represent God’s love towards us just the same. Isaiah 53:5 states “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”

Lord, thank You thank You thank You for delivering me from my habit of cutting and bring me back to You so that I may rejoice in where I am and give You the glory in my life. I could not and would not have done it without You and I pray that when I look at my scars I never forget the blessing that can be found in them and not the shame. Thank You for my scars. But more than that, I want to thank You thank You thank You for the scars You bear as well. Your amazing and unfathomable love for me and everyone in this world was shown when You accepted the pain I inflicted so that You could grant me mercy and grace so that I may live. I am in awe just thinking about it and I am forever humbled and honored to serve You and praise Your name. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

This song is a powerful song about letting go of the control that holds on to you. It is not just about cutting and can be used for anything. I also want to point out three lines of the song which hit me hard.
 “There were scars before my scars,
Love written on the hands that hung the stars,
Hope living in the blood that was spilled for me.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The River of Life!

"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." John 7:38

When I see the picture to the left or any picture like it, I am amazed at how beautiful this creation of nature is and it refreshes and renews my spirit to one that is calm, positive, and relaxing. I can just sit and bask on the shore in the presence of God, However a river is much more than just a relaxing place. There are several aspects of a river and they are all symbolic in our relationship with Christ.

Every river must have a source. That source must be higher than itself. Although it originates in the mountaintops, a river does not stay there; it flows freely downstream, to reach the valleys, it empties into oceans, other rivers and extends to the dry lands to reach the lost. The source in the river of life of course is God and He extends His grace, love and mercy to everyone.

Rivers alter their landscape: eroding rough edges off rocks, carrying downhill boulders, they make impressions everywhere they go. The same should be said for the river of life as is should transform our lives and those with whom we come in contact with should see the change in us.

A river is a source of power. The strength of it’s current carries vessels without effort, by just "being there." Any of you who have tubed down a river or went on the water park attraction, “the lazy river” know what I am talking about here. You just lay there and it moves you along. Similarly, for God to have His way in us, all we need "do" is obey, yield to the flow and it will carry us.

The river is cleansing. People wash and bathe on the riverbanks, especially in countries where there is no running water. The river of life is described in Revelations 22:1 as "clear as crystal" because its waters are not muddied by sin. When we wash in this river, we are purified.

And lastly, the river is a source of life. It distributes the waters of life everywhere it goes, whether in plants, soil, animals or humans. It says in Ezekiel 47:9, Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. The river of God gives us eternal life and all of us who come and drink from it and wash in it will live.

I pray that each and every one of us will go to the river of God so that we may be cleansed, be guided and led by it’s current, renewed and transformed. But most of all I pray we go to the river so that we may find life. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You and Me makes Three

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 15:5-6

Teamwork is essential. No one can navigate this life alone. If I were to define team work, I would define it as different parts working for a common goal. In a football team its a bunch of parts working toward either stopping the other team or scoring. They work together for their common goal.

Some things to remember:

1.       Teamwork is impossible if your goal is different than the others. The whole team needs to be on the same page and headed for the same destination
2.       Teamwork is harder when times get tough. When going toward the goal becomes difficult, the team will start to break down and the team will typically start to argue.
3.       Teamwork is impossible if you are Selfish. (Philippians 2:3) If you want to win, and not the team to win then your team will more than likely fail. If you want the team to win, then ultimately you will win.

Now every team needs a leader, and the leader needs to remember those things above.
What is awesome though if you have a team of two as it says in the bible "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20 then you have God with you. Hmmm I wonder who is the leader of that group? So remember you don't have to worry about the leader knowing the three things, He knows the goal that you should be going toward, He knows that it gets difficult but He is always on board and never wavers. And lastly He is never selfish. He wants everybody to win.

There are an endless amount of teams everybody belongs to, Friend/Friend, Husband/Wife, Father/son, Grandmother/Grandson anytime there are two or more that are a team with a common goal. The key is to put God in the middle of your team, God as the leader of your team. Then the minimum you have with your team is 3. The most perfect bible verse for team work is in Ecclesiastes 4:10-12 where it ends with “a cord of three strands is not quickly broken”

So if you only remember one thing for a successful team is to have God at the middle of whatever team you are on. 

Lord thank you for the amazing teams I have. Thank you for guiding my teams and I pray that I always seek your will in the goals my teams have. I pray that you continue to bless the teams I am on. I pray that whatever team i am on, that you shine through me and that I never compromise in my values.

Monday, March 25, 2013

People Pleaser

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ -Galatians 1:10

I fall in this area a lot, so I thought I would talk about it and the coping skills I have worked on.

If you are a people pleaser I have noticed a few things that happen.

1.      You tend to match your morals with others.
2.      You end up doing for others more than yourself.
3.      You end up compromising your relationship with God for relationships with people.

First Point: Matching your morals with others

To fit in, to help ease strife, to help a conversation flow, you will match your values with the person you are interacting with. If you have ever been trained in sales you are told to match your values with the other person. If you have ever dealt with a sales person, it seems that they always like the same things as you do. This is also noticeable when two people first start dating. People dating tend to do match their values and likes with each other against their own feelings. Guys and gals will do things they don’t particularly enjoy just to sell themselves as liking what the other person likes. 

The danger with this is that you compromise your own values. You lower your own standards to the other persons and possibly to the point it will not please God. Be on guard and vigilant on keeping in alignment with God. In other words, if you are a people pleaser, this will be hard work, but worth it. Remember at the end of your life those people you please or try to get approval with will not be there for you, God will!

Second Point: Doing more for others

Most people pleasers have trouble saying “No” and this can be devastating to relationships. Here is the sad fact is that others know you are a people pleaser and have difficult saying “No” Those people will go to people pleasers because the answer they get is always yes and much easier to get their way. Resentment starts to build, and even when this happens people pleasers will continue to cave and say yes to everything. 

The danger in this trait is that you will say yes to people before you say yes to God. Another danger you face is that this resentment might build to the point that anger flows out of you toward the other person. You might even freak out on them. That is not showing the love of God and really doesn’t show God’s light through you. Helping people is what God wants you to do, but do it for God not the other people. And this is important, do things for you. God wants that and you need to be balanced. And be on guard to being resentful toward God. 

Another danger People Pleaser do is their tendency to ignore is the lies people might say to get what they need. They either ignore or accept the lie to continue the relationship. This is very unhealthy for both the liar and the people pleaser because it starts to build resentment within the people pleaser and enables the liar in thinking that is correct behavior.

Third Point: You compromise your relationship with God

Do not compromise. Not in this area. This is handled by three steps I believe.

1.      Stay in the word: Read his word, go to church and seek his guidance.
2.      Pray: Find quiet time and seek God’s direction. Spend some good quality time with Him. Not the quick prayer at night, or during meals, actually go and seek His face and answers
3.      Surround yourself with people who will not take advantage of you and will hold you accountable. Ask yourself if in a relationship are they takers or givers. If you find yourself having resentment toward a person because they are just takers then it is time to surround yourself with other people.

Lord, thank You thank You thank You for being with me till the end. I choose to follow You and seek Your guidance. I desire to follow You and to not win the approval of man but long to hear You say, “Well done faithful servant” Please help me and guide me to seek only You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday The Triumphal Entry

“Tell the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your King is coming to you, Lowly, and sitting on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.’” So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them. They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Hosanna in the highest!” And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, “Who is this?” So the multitudes said, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.” -Matthew 21:5-11

Today I just reflect what happened on the original Palm Sunday and give meaning to the perspective what is happening this last week of Jesus life.

In order to really get some perspective on what is happening, go back to Exodus 12:1-20, where God describes to Moses and Aaron the first Passover. God explains that in order for the chosen people to be saved, a lamb must be slaughtered. In fact, the chosen people must eat the lamb. God says a lamb is to be selected on the 10th day of the month of “Nisan,” which translates roughly to our springtime today. The lamb is to be inspected; four days later, after the lamb has been determined to “be without blemish” (Ex 12:5), it is to be slaughtered in the evening twilight with the whole assembly of Israel present, (Ex 12:6). At Exodus 12:22, Moses instructs people to take a hyssop branch, dip it in the blood of the lamb, and apply the blood to their doorposts; the angel of death passes over the homes so marked. They are literally saved by the blood of the lamb.

So it says in the bible 

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey,
A colt, the foal of a donkey.

But you may be surprised that that part of the bible was written nearly 500 years before Jesus birth and is in the Old Testament (or Torah, Jewish Bible) in the book of Zachariah chapter 9 verse 9. Giving the people a glimpse of how the coming King would make his entrance almost half a millennium before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. (Remember the United States is only 237 years old)

So Jesus come riding into Jerusalem fulfilling the prophecy and came riding in on a donkey. (Symbolically from beginning to end Jesus came and left this earth riding on a Donkey, Mary rode on a donkey trying to find a place to give birth and delivering Jesus.) And people were elated and lined the streets with palm branches and greeted Jesus with jubilation (Luke 19:37-38), remember that these are the same people who shouted “Crucify Him” a week later.

So as you remember this day, Palm Sunday, and reflect on how the story unfolds in Gospels. Remember that this is the last week of Jesus life on earth. He was 33 Years old.

Lord, I praise you with all my being; I humbly honor You, and reflect this last week how you Gave your one and only Son for me. Thank you for this season, may I never forget that this is the buildup to the greatest gift EVER! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

 Side Note: 

Legend has it that the loyal one in this story is the Donkey, the one who delivered Him to his birth place, the one that brought Him into Jerusalem and legend has it that tried to help him carry the cross. Many Christians believe that the donkey had known what Jesus was about to go through with his trial and suffering. They say that seeing the tragic event of Jesus’ crucifixion, the donkey wished he had been able to carry the cross for Jesus, as he was the one who should carry such burdens. The donkey turned his back on the sight, but he could not leave Jesus whom he had carried, he wished to stay until all was over because of his love and loyalty.

In reward for the loyal and humble love of the donkey the Lord caused the shadow of the cross to fall across his back and the donkey has carried the cross ever since as a sign that the love of God and carries a reward for all to see.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Am I worth it?

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

I also did a card like Dwight did a while back on what I struggle with and need to improve on in my life and walk with Christ and one of the main things for me is self love. I struggle with depression. When I look at the things I am not proud of, both physically and internally (habits, feelings, personality, etc…) I feel like a failure.

I am not happy with my weight and the way my body looks. I am not happy with the way I act on emotions and speak before I think sometimes. I am not happy with my stubbornness and pride that hinders me occasionally. I am not happy with my eating habits, whether it is overeating or not eating. I am not happy with my sleep patterns or lack of I should say. I am not happy that I procrastinate and manage time poorly. The list goes on and on. I am not happy with a lot of me, so much so that I often look at myself as worthless and not deserving of anything good.

However, just as I look at the things I am not proud of, I need to look at the things I am proud of. I have a caring and loving heart. I am good at school. I have a great singing voice. I am proud of some parts on my body. Most of all, I love God with all my heart and I desire to be like Him and live for Him. There are more  and although this list is not as long as my list of things I am not proud of, it is just as important.

I need to celebrate and embrace the things I am proud of and thank God for them. Also, instead of looking at the things I am not proud of as me being a failure, I need to ask God to give me the strength and help to change those things. The things I am not proud of should not beat me down and hold me there but motivate me to stand back up.   

Now it is true that I do not deserve salvation and I am not worthy of the grace and mercy God shows me but that does not mean I am worthless. If God didn't find me worth it, He wouldn't have bothered sending Jesus to save me and give me eternal life. If God didn't think I was worth it, He would not have created me in His image. If God didn't think I was worth it, He wouldn't call me His child and desire a relationship with me. He loves me and although I am not worthy in the sense of “deserving of praise”, I am worthy in the fact that He has placed value in me. I am not a nothing, God doesn't make junk. As the verse says above, He created me and I am wonderfully made.

So when I look into the mirror and see a worthless self-image and one of guilt and insecurity, that is not the reflection God wants me to see nor is it the reflection He sees in me. He sees me through the lenses of the cross. He sees me forgiven, pure and holy. He sees me as the beautiful creation He made and loves me unconditionally even when I don't love myself. 

Lord, I pray that You would open my eyes so that I may see myself as You see me. That I would see the value I have to You and to others and act on that instead of be devoured by my faults. I pray that You would help me to accept the things I cannot change about myself that I may not like and to help me improve the things I can. Thank You for creating me and making me someone special. Thank You for never giving up on me even when I give up on myself. Thank You for loving me and accepting me despite my faults and for Your grace and mercy in giving me my salvation. You are truly an awesome God and I am proud to be Your child. I pray that I don’t forget where I come from and who I am, Your wonderful creation and Your loved and treasured daughter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, March 22, 2013

When God feels distant.

Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. - 2 John 1:8

So often when I am faced with stressful times I feel alone. Friends are not around, or don’t want to deal with my issues. Family is busy and God feels like a million miles away. This cycle starts to spin out of control and the issue becomes compounded by the feeling of abandonment.

Like it’s been said a few times on this Blog, God can feel distant because there is no physical body here with us, and we need “skin on God” (a term I got from my pastor Josh Clark). In other words, we need a person to do God’s work and be here for us. But sometimes that is not possible. Remember Man (and woman) is faulty and are not 100% reliable. So if you wait for people to do the work of God a lot of times you will be disappointed. ***You need to take action yourself***

The title of this Blog entry, “When God feels distant” is important to break down.  The word feeling doesn’t imply reality it’s just a feeling. It might be true and it might not be. But also we must realize that these feelings of distance are a reality to us. Two of the ways that God can feel distant is either we are pushing God away, or it can feel like God is pushing us away.

Pushing God away is the only way that God can be distant from us. We distance ourselves from God by turning our back on God, and physically detaching or disengage from Him. As a father I can tell you it pains me when my child disengages from my love, so it is fair to assume that God feels the same way.

And remember, this is important! HHHHe will never distance Himself from us. As it says in Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

When faced with a horrible situation which situation should you do?
1.       Crying, Lord, why is this happening?
2.       Now that this has happened Lord, what do you want me to do?
3.       Lord, please help me be strong in this case

All three are correct. Jesus demonstrated each one. An example of the first one is found in the book of Mark. And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). -Mark 15:34

The key is not to focus on the first one and dwell on it too long, because the Devil can use that one to discourage us. So briefly use situation 1 but then quickly move to #2 and 3. Ask God to help you be strong and for direction. If it appears that God isn't answering #2 then I would say do something. Use good judgment and move forward while continuing to seek His guidance.

The last part of this is action we need to take. This is not when we are in a situation that is testing us. This call to action is two parts.
1.       Be on the lookout for those who are in need
2.       Be there for those you see who need help and be “Skin on God for them”

My Prayer: Lord help me stick to my own advice. Please help me be aware of those in need and actually help them. But also when I am that person in need and no one is there for me, that I turn to You first and seek Your guidance and not to distance myself from you. Thank you for your un-ending love. Thank you for your Son’s example. In Jesus name, Amen.

Note: The reason I added this famous picture taken from the Sistine Chapel is because of the body posture of man. Man is putting very little effort to reach out to God. If you look at God who is stretching out as much as he can to reach man. We just need to make a little effort to close that gap. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Like Pulling Teeth

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will do this.” Psalm 37:5

Change is inevitable. Some people thrive on it, living for adventure and getting bored when things stay the same for too long. That is great for some people, but that is not me. I am more the opposite type. The kind that gets overwhelmed and anxious or frazzled on even the tiniest of changes.

Yesterday I had to go to the dentist, which I must say is quite relaxing now that I can’t hear the sounds of the machines drilling in my mouth. But as I was waiting to go back, there was a little girl that was crying as she waited herself and I could tell she was scared. I started talking to her and found out that she was having a tooth pulled because her baby tooth wasn't coming out but the adult tooth was already starting to come in. She was afraid because it was not something she was used to and she knew there would be pain involved. She knew it was needed but she didn't want him to take her tooth and wanted the big tooth to go back down for a while.

So many times in my life I come across a change that is as scary as pulling teeth is for this little girl. I know that sometimes change is necessary but I want to cling to how my life is going now or want my day to go as I planned it and not have to deal with any alterations, good or bad. I am like that little girl saying in a sense “I like my baby tooth, it is mine and I am comfortable with it. I don’t need a grown up tooth, I am good with this one, thanks anyways.” But change happens and when it does it just means God is doing something new in our lives and our plan wasn't in His plan. We need to turn to God trusting in Him and asking Him to help us accept the changes and give us the strength to get through them as well as helping to let go and change the things we can. Think of the serenity prayer, although it is not found in the Bible, it is an awesome prayer to help refocus in times of change and stress.

So when that change happens, we have a choice – we can have a mouth overcrowded and uncomfortable that holds onto the old only to the detriment of the new or we can endure the temporary pain of having the old “removed” so that we can have everything in place and working according to the plans of God.

Clinging to the old just doesn't work for the new that God wants to do. I don’t know about you, but I know I have some “teeth” that need to be pulled. Things I have been clinging to that seem good but that are actually impeding my growth. I think it is about time I asked Him to help me extract my “teeth” from my life, however painful giving them up may be. I need to trust that He is there to help guide my new “teeth” in place so that my smile and life will be in line with His plan and the smile and life He wants for me not the one I am so comfortable with.

Lord, I want to grow and change so that I am all You have designed me to be. I pray that You will reassure me and remind me when I need it that while it is okay to be nervous, that You are always there by my side to guide me through whatever changes I encounter. Help me to walk in faith knowing that these changes I am so reluctant to do will help me grow in my relationship with You. I want my life to be pleasing to Your eyes and to reflect Your love and light to others and to do that I must fully trust and let go. Thank You for your understanding, Your love and Your leadership. Give me the courage to endure the pain and discomfort that can happen as you transform me into what You desire and for a submissive heart to accept it and embrace it. I ask this in Your precious name, Amen. 

(A found this song and I think it is awesome! It is an original song by Michele McGovern, to buy the full song, it is available at I would encourage you to get it, it is well worth it. The words to just this part are below.)

Your ways and your thoughts are higher than mine / God is in control
And You work Your plans out in Your perfect time / God is in control
 I put my faith in my Maker and Friend
Knowing He'll carry me through to the end,
And I'll / trust You Lord / even when I cannot see
I'll trust You Lord / You will make a way for me
I'll trust You Lord / I will trust You Lord
Oh, yeah yeah, and I'll / trust You Lord 
When the hill's too high to climb / I'll trust You Lord 
I know the battle isn't mine / I'll trust You Lord