Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”  John 11:25

Today is Easter and the celebration of our Savior’s resurrection. Through this miracle and total act of selfless love for us, Jesus conquered death and made it possible for us to truly live and be forgiven so that we may have eternal life in Heaven. He opened the door for us to find redemption.   

For some, Easter Sunday means hunting for eggs, baskets of goodies, Cadbury chocolate, peeps, food and family. Now there is nothing wrong with including all of this in our Easter celebration, but let us remember the real meaning also. The Christmas phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season” rings true in this holiday as well.

The cross of Christ has become the symbol of our faith and it represents Jesus’ love for us in the painful death sacrifice He made when He died for our sins upon it, but it doesn't end there.  It is the resurrection that gives meaning to the cross. Had He stayed in His tomb, everyone would be responsible for his or her own sin and without it we would have no hope for this life or the life to come. It says in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Jesus conquered the grave, which means that His children can too. Those of us who believe in Him and come to Jesus are released from our death penalty and invited to spend eternity with God.

But is not enough to just believe Jesus was a man who lived and died on the cross and rose from the dead 3 days later. There are facts that prove that to be true. It is not just that what Jesus did that makes it possible to have eternal life, it is believing in who Jesus is, the son of God. Not only did He die, He took our place and died for all of our sins. Not only did he just raise from the dead, but He conquered death so that we don’t’ have to die but may live with Him in Heaven. Jesus doesn't say, “I bring resurrection and life” but rather “I am the resurrection and the life.”

It is very personal with Jesus. The answer to death is not a resurrection; it’s Jesus himself. No one can ever hope to escape death unless they are related to Jesus through personal faith. So in the end truth must always become personal. You have to believe not just the facts that happened but that Jesus Himself is the reason and the way, the only way. (John14:6

I can tell you that once you do, there is hope, joy and peace that can be found always. He will guide you through this life and raise you up to Heaven to be with Him in the next. How awesome is that!

Lord, Hallelujah You are risen. Thank You Jesus for Your redeeming love and most precious gift. Thank You for not only dying and taking the penalty of my sin, but also allowing me to be released from the condemnation of death that would follow if You had not overcome. You are my resurrection and my life. In You I trust, In You I worship, In You I live. Thank You Jesus! Amen. 

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